St Anne’s R.C. Primary School is committed to a work environment free of harassment and bullying, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.


Deputy DSL Mrs Ball's specialism is Child on Child Abuse.

The School takes a firm stance against bullying between pupils, and it is important that all staff lead by example with their own behaviour.  We will take allegations of harassment or bullying seriously and address them promptly and confidentially where possible. 

Bullying is offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour involving the misuse of power that can make a person feel vulnerable, upset, humiliated, undermined or threatened. Power does not always mean being in a position of authority but can include both personal strength and the power to coerce through fear or intimidation.

During our PSHE sessions, we discuss lots of issues including being kind to each other.  Each November, we also dedicate a week to unpicking the definition of bullying and how we can treat each other with respect.


This November Anti-Bullying week will take place from Monday 14th November - Friday 18th November


Friendship Friday & Anti-Bullying Week 2022



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